Sunday, 27 June 2010

Because one Blog isn't busy enough

and really its not like I keep up with this one, I have also started another blog. What with my new diagnosis, I don't want this one to become all about "ME" and my gluten free self! So I have started another one that deals with GF stuff. I mean if your interested take a gander, and if not, then do hang around here, I will still be lurking about waiting to bore you witless as soon as you appear!

So if you want to check it out, its called Gluten Free - Good Food.

And when I am not on either of these blogs you will find me in the kitchen decontaminating, and trying to work miracles with Potato Starch!

1 comment:

Mrs Jelly said...

You on facebook? Click the link on my blog ... it's where I mostly hang out!